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CH LonelyCreek's Turbo Charged
DOB: 3-01-19
SIRE: GCH CH B' Mew Southern Son
DAM: CH LonelyCreek's Good Golly Miss Molly
see lots of video on the You Tube Channel!
Turbo passed July 2nd 2021 from heat exhaustion
he got out of his backyard and over heated

At Beaver Lake. This place is called "Big Clifty". The lake is really high, it has been all this year. We have had lovely rains all summer, fall and now into winter. We love swimming here in the summer and jumping off these cliffs. Pic was taken end of December 2019 on rather warm day for Dec in Ark. Turbo is such a good calm boy very much the bullmastiff temperament. He didn't care to get in the water. ahaha like most bullmastiff. He probably would have if it would have been hot outside. All bullmastiff do NOT swim. Some will get in but few enjoy really swimming. I've had a few that did. The water is probably 30 foot deep right off these rocks. When I teach them to swim we enter water off boat ramp. And I always have a 30 foot line on them so if they get tired or into trouble.

Below Turbo lives with his two tiny humans (and their parents) . a 3 year old and 1 year old. He adores them. No better guard dog than a bullmastiff!

Below Turbo about 16 months old here. He had went with me to airport to pick up Apple who had flown in for another puppy. aahahah because you can't have just one! Summer 2020 Turbo loves people and enjoys the attention from other customers. You can see he just very relaxed and laid down while we shopped and visited.

This is a Turbo puppy below at 6 months old living the LIFE in FL!!

At 6 months old Turbo's hips looked Good (see X-ray below). But his human had him excessively heavy before he was a year old until he was almost 2 years old. It matters if you read this article The 10 most important things to know about canine hip dysplasia it explains how being over weight can and does effect good hips. This is why I preach and preach KEEP YOUR PUPPIES LEAN! most people that send me updates their puppy is carrying extra weight and people just do not see it. (but I do) NOW having said that the ONLY thing OFA found 'wrong' with Turbo's hips is 'subluxation' which mean looseness in the hips. So his hip formation is correct and this femur head is correct. Just being so over weight had pulled on those muscle and tendons until it effected his reading. YES I'm sad not to get the "certificate". Both of his parents have good hips which is another reason I will not be cutting him from my breeding program. I may re do them at 3 years old to see if there has been any change but usually once the environmental damage has been done there is no undoing it. you can see Report Below. there are lots of things that could have been wrong; remodeling of the femoral head/neck, osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease, shallow acetabula, acetabular rim/edge change, unilateral pathology, transitional vertebra, spondylosis OR panosteitis NONE Of which are marked. the only thing OFA could find wrong was 'looseness' in that hip joint. I want everyone to have this information as you make your decisions if you are comfortable with having Turbo as sire to your puppy knowing these things. If I didn't like his hips and thought he would be passing on poor hip formation to his offspring I would not be using him in my breeding program. His Sire passed all his OFA see report here and his Dam (my breeding LonelyCreek's Good Golly Miss Molly, who's dam, LonelyCreek's Here Comes the Sun "Kira" and sire, Rambo, both passed THEIR OFA) had Penn-hip done and scored very high in the 70% (meaning her hips were better than 70% of bullmastiff ever tested). see pix of her hips below. should have been GOOD or better on an OFA. also see link below ABOUT penn-hip (who thinks they are very superior to an OFA) Just another note BOTH of Turbo Sire's parents passed their OFA with GOOD: GCHG CH Dal Primo's B'Mew Just In Queso and GCH SHINING STAR I'LL THINK ABOUT THAT TOMORROW

As you can see for yourself these are beautiful hips!!! X-Ray of Molly's hips Turbo mummy above. here is link to Molly's Mummy and Sire OFA
more info on the difference in OFA and Penn-hip.
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