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CH LonelyCreek's Destiny Calls
DOB: 5-30-18
SIRE: CH Nautilus
DAM: CH LonelyCreek's Choose Your Destiny "Natalie"

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Cally has heart on her head and Stephy has butterfly. they were 7 wks old here.

This was big litter and it was a chore deciding who to keep! I loved this girl from birth! Kicking myself for not keeping a male from this litter.

Spring 2019 at our church in Fayetteville AR CLC Every year they plant lovely flowers but this year they out did them selves!! We love our church family!! Note: NO flowers were harmed in the making of these pix!

Spring!!! 2019 Cally will be one year old in May 2019. She is maturing nicely she is going to be a large dog.
Video from dog show Grove OK These girls need to get to town more often! At a dog show they do not get out of their crate unless they are on a leash. So five days at a dog show is a bounding experience. Add several hundred other dogs around barking at you it's a growing experience to say the least. Sat night at this show it was pouring rain and cold we were all wet before it was all over. They slept good that night. Also learning to do your 'business' on the end of a leash is another skill learned!

This was their first dog show and the only time they get out is on a leash. We walked and walked. I logged over five miles a day and that was just when I had my phone on me. We were about walked out this day and just sat down in the warm sun. These two are more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

At vet's office for prelim hip Xrays. Jan 2019 They were feeling the drugs. :+} Everyone's hips looked good!

Warm day in Feb 2019 walking at Galley Park in Fayetteville.

Cally's Hip Xray they look great at this age. :+}
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